Esteemed noble and EPA Head Scott Pruitt is not one to mix with the hoipolloi.
On Sunday, The Washington Post reported hat Pruitt had been flying first class throughout his time at the EPA and leaving the government with the bill. Pruitt defended his decision on security grounds, before pouring his heart out to New Hampshire's WMUR On Tuesday.
The EPA administrator was at extreme risk of unpleasant "interactions" with people who take coach, Pruitt explained.
"“There have been instances, unfortunately, as I’ve flown and have spent time, of interaction that’s not been the best,” Pruitt told WMUR. “So ingress and egress off the plane those are decisions all made by our detail team, by the chief of staff, by the administration... They place me on the plane where they think is best from a safety perspective.”
In his defense, Pruitt is widely considered to be one of the dangerous people in the Trump administration — at least according to us snowflakes who care about the planet and all. Why that makes him more of a security risk than universally despised Stephen Miller is unknown.
Also unclear is why Pruitt decided he and his team decided to take a one way flight from Cincinnati to New York for $36,068.50. Was Pruitt hoping he could score some free luxury first class Cincinnati peanuts?
Who in their right mind takes a first class flight from DC to Boston after they've been exposed by the Post?
Democrats from the Energy and Commerce Committee have promised to review Pruitt's travel expenses. Pruitt has defended his travel on the grounds that he received a blanket security waiver, but the EPA won't specify which office granted it to him.
Here's what Twitter had to say, which is far more valuable than anything White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders could offer.
Scott Pruitt also insisted on a $25k "soundproof phone booth" in his office, and an 18-member security detail. Maybe people are "unpleasant" because he's a corrupt asshole.
— shauna (@goldengateblond) February 14, 2018
Obversely, I always fly coach to avoid interacting with Scott Pruitt
— Ben Wikler (@benwikler) February 14, 2018
First class is Pruitt's emotional support peacock
— Laura Rozen (@lrozen) February 14, 2018
Hey Scott Pruitt,
I’m sorry to hear you are having unpleasant interactions with Americans everywhere, but you should remember:
A) no one forced you to take a job in the Trump administration
B) no one forced you to decimate the EPA
C) you’re an asshole.— Jon Cryer (@MrJonCryer) February 14, 2018
The idea that random people flying coach could recognize Scott Pruitt does not strike me as credible.
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) February 14, 2018
as Scott Pruitt defends his first-class travel by saying he's too good for the plebes, we must remember that Erick Erickson defended Tom Price's private jets b/c antifa was going to ambush/murder him at the airport
— Simon Maloy (@SimonMaloy) February 14, 2018
No word yet on what the ramifications will be for Pruitt, if at all.
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