Sunday, October 8, 2017

President Trump Believes That He Could Have ‘Nailed’ Princess Diana

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Princess Diana is one of a small group of historically significant people who have been revered in their lifetimes and after their deaths too. Her philanthropic work secured her a place in the history books as one of the kindest influential people to ever live.

Following her tumultuous relationship with Prince Charles, Diana devoted herself to helping others. One her most significant acts involved shaking the hand of an AIDS sufferer without wearing gloves at the height of the AIDS epidemic in 1987. In 1987, those who suffered from AIDS were one of the most stigmatised groups in society. It was believed that AIDS was highly infections when, in reality, it could only be spread through blood, and Diana’s handshake helped destigmatise those with the disease. The princess was a style icon who many aspired to emulate, and her decision to shake the AIDS sufferer’s hand was a turning point in many people’s attitudes towards the epidemic. It meant a lot to those who were suffering from the disease that she had treated him like a human being. Now radio interviews between the President Trump and controversial radio host Howard Stern discussing Princess Diana have surfaced. The first was recorded in 1997 in the wake of Princess Diana’s untimely death and the second was recorded in 2000. These interviews have made headlines around the world because of a joke made by President Trump. He said that he would make the late Princess Diana take an AIDS test before he ‘nailed’ her, and this has been deemed offensive by a number of people. In the 1997 interview, which was recorded just months after Princess Diana died in a car accident in Paris, Howard Stern asks President Trump if he believed that he possessed the sexual prowess to bed Princess Diana.

“Why do people think it’s egotistical of you to say you could’ve gotten with Lady Di? You could’ve gotten her, right? You could’ve nailed her?” Stern asked.

“I think I could have,” Trump replied.

Following the President’s assertion that he could have slept with the late princess, Stern begins to imagine how an encounter between the two would have started, jokingly playing on the controversy her 1987 handshake caused.

“Hey Lady Di, would you go to the doctor?” Stern jokingly asks, pretending to be the current President.

Trump joins in on the joke, saying, “Go back over to my Lexus, because I have a new doctor. We wanna give you a little checkup.” Despite talking about Princess Dina in such an unflattering manner, the President was a fan of the princess. In The Art of the Comeback, he wrote, “I couldn’t help but notice how she moved people. She lit up the room with her charm, her presence. She was a genuine princess – a dream lady.” However, President Trump’s sincere comment about the late princess in his book has been deemed ridiculous by those who think that his comments on Stern’s radio show are inappropriate. In the 2000 interview, the president said that he would have slept with Princes Diana “without hesitation” even though she was, in his opinion, “crazy.” “She had the height, she had the beauty, she had the skin, the whole thing,” President Trump said in 2000. “She’s magnificent.” During this interview, the president told Stern about the ten hottest women the world. Princess Diana was number three on his list followed by his ex-wife Ivana in second place. America’s current First Lady Melania Trump was in first place. The late princess and President Trump actually met a number of times, and the president reportedly made a move on her after she divorced from Prince Charles by sending her a large bouquet of flowers for her 35th birthday. However, Princess Diana did not return the president’s affections, and broadcaster Selina Scott said that he gave her “the creeps”. “Trump clearly saw Diana as the ultimate trophy wife,” Scott said. “As the roses and orchids piled up at her apartment she became increasingly concerned about what she should do. It had begun to feel as if Trump was stalking her.

“When she died in the tragic accident in Paris in 1997 Trump told friends his biggest regret was that they hadn’t dated.” Scott continued. “He said that he always thought he had a chance of romance and would have had a ‘shot’ with her.”

In light of everything Trump has said about women during his 2016 presidential campaign, his words about the late Princess Diana are hardly the shock of the century. However, there will undoubtedly be a great deal of people who will be highly entertained by the fact that Trump sincerely believed he had a chance with everyone’s favorite princess.

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