Sunday, October 8, 2017

Train conductor speeds through flooded station and drenches commuters with dirty rainwater

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One jerk train conductor managed to ruin the day of dozens of commuters.

People were waiting on the platform of the Nala Sopara railway station near Mumbai, India, on Wednesday when a train sped through the station. This would typically be a very normal occurrence, but recent heavy rains meant the station was flooded. 

Instead of slowing the train to a crawl, the conductor of the train went into the station full steam ahead, sending the dirty rainwater that had flooded the tracks onto the platform where commuters were waiting. Most people standing on the tracks were not exactly expecting the train to roll through the station that quickly.

Similarly, an Amtrak train in New Jersey blasted commuters with snow earlier this year after heavy snowfall. We'll take snow over dirty rainwater any day. 

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