Saturday, September 30, 2017

5 Things That Will Actually Cure Your Hangover

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As a soon-to-be 26-year-old, definitely the worst part about being on the wrong side of 25 has got to be that I'm about to lose my health insurance my hangovers are debilitating. I'm talking about a full 72-hour affair. First, there's the general hangover that comes with all the nausea, headaches, fatigue, and praying for the sweet release of death. Then the next day I'm still congested af and sneezing up what I assume are the remnants of my terrible life choices, and on top of that I'm still tired. THEN, I'm still tired for a good day after that, just in time for the weekend to roll around and for me to start drinking again. What's a borderline alcoholic girl to do? Thankfully, science and frat bros with their parents' money entrepreneurs have got our back. I've tried just about every hangover cure there is, aside from abstaining from alcohol, so I'm going to tell you about the best ones.

1. Morning Recovery

This stuff comes in a tiny bottle that's only a little bigger than your average container of 5-Hour Energy, which is good for people like me who don't enjoy swallowing massive amounts of liquid. (And I wonder why I'm single.) It's basically got a bunch of chemical compounds that are supposed to boost your body's natural response to alcohol—shit like milk thistle, prickly pear, and something called DHM that sounds like the main ingredients of a capsule I ingested this weekend at EZoo. You're supposed to go out and do what you normally would do, come home and drink Morning Recovery, and then enjoy your next day hangover-free. However, because I'm a delinquent, I drank this shit while I was pregaming (which they say you can also do), and I think the effects were still the same. I went to EZoo, drank copious amounts of Heineken and tequila, and still woke up hangover-free, even without the initial headache and residual nausea I usually get from my typical two glasses of wine at happy hour. As an extra bonus, Morning Recovery is giving Betches readers a discount if you use the code BETCHES10 at checkout!

2. Mentis

I ordered this shit off GoFundMe because I'm forever chasing a way to avoid consequences for my actions. Sue me. Mentis is similar to Morning Recovery in that it contains a bunch of ingredients I can't pronounce and don't care to understand, and it basically has a lot of supplements and shit to help your body repair itself. It comes in a little packet much like your regular Emergen-C and you pour it into water and drink the water. The main difference here is, you NEED to take it BEFORE you start drinking. Seems easy enough unless you're me and start drinking at 3pm most days and don't bring your Mentis to brunch. Oh well. I tried this, and I also felt like I avoided a hangover which was pretty impressive considering I mixed a lot of types of alcohol and had a tequila soda at like, 1:30am because I'm a psychopath with no regard for my own life. The only downside to this stuff is that while the peach flavor is good, this shit is chalky as hell. It was v hard to choke down the whole glass. But I'd take that over being immobile and marathoning five straight hours of on a gorgeous 80-degree Sunday any day. 

3. Eat A Burger

I've only recently discovered that eating a burger before I go out drinking will save me from a debilitating hangover the next day. And science backs me up on this, so stay with me here. The protein from the meat has amino acids and B vitamins that help you process the undesirable byproducts of alcohol, and eating a meal that consists of carbs, fat, and protein helps you metabolize the alcohol. You might feel bloated and disgusting, but science didn't tell you to order the side of fries over the salad, so it sounds like this is a personal problem.

4. Take An Advil

Even if you don't have a headache, it's not a bad idea to take an ibuprofen before bed to reduce inflammation caused by alcohol. Plus, that extra sip of water required for you to swallow the pill probably doesn't hurt either. However, you need to make sure that you're taking ibuprofen and NOT acetaminophen. I always get the two confused and used to take them interchangeably until my friend yelled at me, because it's a TERRIBLE idea. Drinking on acetaminophen (and even taking it the day after drinking) can lead to liver damage, which is precisely the organ you want to protect if you want alcohol to remain a part of your life. Just so you remember, acetaminophen is Tylenol and ibuprofen is Advil. Bookmark this page for later; you're welcome.

5. Don't Black Out

Apologies for sounding like a MADD presentation, but in my (very extensive) experience the only way to guarantee I don't have a terrible hangover is to not black out. Once I experience memory loss, I'm fucked. Obviously there's no science to speak to this because scientists are lame and can't hang, but like, this would be my personal recommendation to you. Get wasted, just don't black out, and maybe there's a shred of hope for you and all the errands you have to run tomorrow.


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